Thanksgiving was very nice and relaxing. On Monday of that week we got our new black GMC Acadia. It's very fancy. Nicer of a car than either of us have ever had. On Thursday we went to celebrate with the in-laws. We had a very yummy turkey and other trimmings. We took some pictures in front of the tree and fireplace. This one is my favorite and we ended up using a version of it for our Christmas cards. The other one is of our lovely cat who loves our tree at home. It's his new favorite sleeping spot. I think he enjoys hiding from the dog under there.
Friday morning I woke up early to hit the stores for Black Friday. This was only my 2nd time to be out early and it wasn't too bad. It was sprinkling on and off and very cold but I didn't leave the house until a little after 4 am. Best Buy had hot chocolate waiting for us at the door too. Toys R Us was the craziest place I went to that morning. However I got a lot of shopping done. We still have more to do but we have to space out all that spending! =)
Yesterday we did some more shopping and took Steven to Build a Bear. Here are some pictures of him with his new bear, Batman. Very fitting of a name since that is what he wants his baby brother to be called. 

He will be taking the bear with him to his Teddy Bear Camp next week at the hospital. It's a short hour long class where he gets to learn about what's going to happen to mommy in a few months. I'll report back how it goes. He loves this bear and loved the experience yesterday so I'm glad we were able to make this special for him. I think it will come in handy in February.
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